Voices of Truth Theatre Festival at Powerstories Theatre
Powerstories Theatre, in collaboration with Outcast Theatre Collective, is excited to introduce the inaugural The Voices of Truth Theatre Festival on March 10-28, 2021, in Powerstories’ film-friendly enhanced theatre.
Honoring its mission statement to “stage true stories to open hearts and minds,” this true stories-themed festival is a first for the theatre whose other festivals include Shevolution, a celebration of women-centric stories.
For three weeks, patrons will enjoy a showcase of real-life – humorous, heartbreaking, eye-opening, conversation-starting plays and stories – performed safely in the theatre, and using the latest technology, live-streamed.
“This perfect combination of in-house theatre and online digital productions empowers, encourages, and enables diverse voices the opportunity to inspire audiences worldwide through the gift of sharing a true story,” said Powerstories Theatre founder, Fran Powers. “In this time in our country’s history, we feel compelled to bring about The Voices of Truth Festival to increase courage and confidence, deepen appreciation for diversity, and strengthen the bonds between people. Whether you are an actor, a director, or an audience member, we all miss that feeling that telling a true only live theatre can give.”
Guests have a choice of attending a socially-distanced production of true stories in the theatre, following all CDC guidelines, or purchasing tickets to watch a live-stream from the comfort of their own home.
“Our focus as a collective is to bring light to those who often feel as though they have no voice; or if they have a voice, often feel in our current climate, no one is really listening,” said T.R. Butler, treasurer for Theatre Outcast Collective. “Outcast was thrilled to learn of the Powerstories Voices of Truth Festival and saw the partnership as a natural fit given our missions. Powerstories works to empower women and understands the strength of unity and diversity; we can all achieve so much more together! We are so honored to partner with Powerstories to bring this important work to the Tampa Bay area in 2021.”
The Voices of Truth Festival is accepting submissions for review by the 2021 festival artistic committee now through November 1. Playwrights and other writers are encouraged to submit as soon as possible as submissions will be time-stamped and the artists will be able to select their date slot based upon receipt order.
Submission requirements include:
The writer’s own True Story Play or Play based on True Events – Either a full production with a minimal set or a staged reading
A published True Story Play or Play based on True Events that he chooses to direct
A detailed concept proposal for an event of true story monologues or another idea that will fit with the Festival’s theme
*Six characters maximum on stage if selecting to use the theatre. No limit on the number of characters if producing digitally. Artists must agree to have their production live-streamed.
All selections will be announced on the Powerstories Theatre Facebook page and website on December 1, 2020.
Registration cost for The Voices of Truth Festival is $20 per submission. Complete details and registration forms are available online.
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