The Smuggler: A Thriller In Verse
The Smuggler: A Thriller In Verse By Ronán Noone Starring Giles Davies May 15-Jun 9, 2024 Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center Irish immigrant Tim Finnegan wants to be a writer in America but struggles to find his path. That all changes when a stranger arrives with a plan to make people “disappear and reappear.” In this mischievous, one-man, rhyming-verse dark comedy, Tim learns the price he must pay to become an American. Step into his secret speakeasy (with a real working bar!) to hear a twisty story with unsavory characters and shady shenanigans. Regional audiences may recall Davies’ highly acclaimed run of this show in Sarasota at Urbanite Theatre. Tampa Bay area audiences can look forward to a slightly different ending, fresh from the playwright!
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