The Disrupted (2020)
The Disrupted dives deep inside the lives of three Americans – including a Tampa woman named Cheryl – working harder than ever as their place in the middle class slips away. For a farmer, a factory worker, and an Uber driver, rising income inequality betrays the American Dream.
The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the fragility of the American economy, as we witness widespread business closures, skyrocketing unemployment, and pervasive racism and discrimination. As the upcoming presidential election takes center stage, each of these characters’ personal stories of struggle and perseverance is not only timely but critical to gaining insight into this exceedingly precarious time.
1h 30m / Not Rated / Documentary NOW AVAILABLE TO STREAM AT HOME!
The film’s distributor will split the revenue with Tampa Theatre, 50/50. Please note that this arrangement, in these unprecedented times, means that we are unable to offer Member pricing for virtual screenings. Thanks for your understanding, and THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO SUPPORT TAMPA THEATRE!
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