Tampa Theatre Summer Film Camp


Jun 06 - 17 2022


Tampa Theatre
711 N. Franklin Street, Tampa, FL 33602

Each summer, Tampa Theatre’s historic auditorium lights up with young filmmakers working together to produce their visions on-screen. Campers entering grades 3-12 work in small groups to learn the creative process of digital filmmaking, from brainstorming, storyboarding, and scriptwriting to filming, lighting and editing. All of the necessary equipment is provided, including cameras, lights, sound equipment, Mac computers and software. By the end of the week, each production team will have a 3-5 minute movie to premiere on the big screen for family and friends.

This summer, both the live-action and stop-motion animation camps will be offered, including two weeks of FULL DAY filmmaking:

  • Week of June 6-10: Half-Day Live Action
  • Week of June 13-17: Half-Day Live Action
  • Week of July 11-15: Half-Day Stop Motion Animation
  • Week of July 18-22: FULL Day Live Action SOLD OUT
  • Week of July 25-29: FULL Day Live Action SOLD OUT

Is the session you’re interested in sold out? Click here to sign up for our waitlist! You will be contacted in the order you sign up, if any slots open. 

HALF-DAY LIVE ACTION FILMMAKING CAMP makes the campers the stars as they write, produce and act in their own short films. The one-week program of half-day sessions will be offered Monday-Friday the weeks of June 6-10 and 13-17. The morning session from 9:00am-noon is for students entering grades 3-6, and the afternoon session from 1:00-4:00pm is for those entering grades 7-12. Each session is $195 per camper, which includes a camp T-shirt, daily snacks and a digital copy of the finished films. Participation is capped at 18 campers per session, and COVID-prevention protocols will be enforced.*

FULL DAY LIVE ACTION FILM CAMP gives campers a more advanced opportunity to work together to create, produce, and act in their original short films. Campers will also participate in film studies, learn new filming techniques, practice special effects, and more! This one-week program will be offered from 9:00am-4:00pm Monday – Friday the week of July 18-22 for students entering grades 3-6 and July 25-29 for grades 7-12. The Full-Day Film Camp is $450 per camper, which includes a camp T-shirt, daily snacks, daily lunch, and a digital copy of all the finished films from the week. Participation is capped at 18 campers per session and will fill up quickly! ALL FULL-DAY CAMPS ARE SOLD OUT

HALF-DAY STOP-MOTION ANIMATION FILMMAKING CAMP shows campers how to create an animated film one frame at a time with clay, Legos, paper and other materials in a style of animation made popular by Wallace and Gromit and SOUTH PARK. The one-week program of half-day sessions will be offered Monday-Friday the week of July 11-15. The morning session from 9:00am-noon is for students entering grades 3-6, and the afternoon session from 1:00-4:00pm is for those entering grades 7-12. The session is $195 per camper, which includes a camp T-shirt, daily snacks and a digital copy of the finished films. Participation is capped at 18 campers per session, and COVID-prevention protocols will be enforced.*

*COVID-prevention protocols for campers, counselors and staff will adhere to current CDC guidelines at the time of the camp, including masks, social distancing, and instruction on how to structure shots and employ camera angles to minimize contact and maximize distance between actors.

Summer Film Camp is presented by Film Tampa Bay in collaboration with the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the USF College of Education.


See films made in previous years at www.youtube.com/tampafilmcamp



Tampa Theatre


Art Lovers,

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