Free Film Screening, Q&A with Director: Eleven Reflections on September
Free Film Screening, Q&A with Director
WHAT: Free Film Screening: Eleven Reflections on September, and Q&A with Director
WHERE: The Oval Theatre – USF Marshall Student Center (MSC) 4103 USF Cedar Circle | Tampa, FL 33620
WHEN: Tuesday, October 19, 6-8 p.m.
DETAILS: The University of South Florida (USF) Office of Multicultural Affairs, Art2Action, and student associations including The Poets@USF and the Student Filmmakers Society present a free, in-person screening of the award-winning digital film Eleven Reflections on September, followed by a Q&A with Tampa-based writer/director, Lebanese American theatre artist Andrea Assaf.
Eleven Reflections on September is a poetry/Spoken Word, music, movement and digital media exploration of Arab American experience, Wars on/of Terror, and “the constant, quiet rain of death amidst beauty” that each autumn brings in a post-9/11 world. Based on a series of poems Andrea Assaf has written since 2001, “Eleven Reflections…” spans the fall of the Twin Towers, the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the global rise of anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia, and the revolutions and uprisings that have swept through the Arab world in the last decade. This fall’s 20th anniversary commemorations of 9/11 and the U.S. war in Afghanistan make the digital film newly relevant and poignant. Featuring Syrian opera singer Lubana Al Quntar, and USF Theatre professor Dora Arreola.
Eleven Reflections on September is an Official Selection in 6 international film festivals, and won Best Experimental Film at the Silk Road Film Festival Cannes, which called it “an absolutely stunning experimental film that touches the soul.”
Admission is FREE, with free popcorn provided. Masks and social distancing are encouraged.
For more information about the film and the writer/director Andrea Assaf, including the trailer, visit:
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