Discovering Your Creative Photographic Path Remote Learning


Nov 12 2021


Florida Museum of Photographic Arts
400 N. Ashley Drive Tampa, FL 33602

Are you starting a new photography project or body of work? Are you stuck in the middle of
many random images? Not sure what your next experimentation should look like? Looking to
refine your photographs and their impact on the viewers? Searching for a stronger meaning or
message in your images? Are you struggling with inspiration or project ideas? Not sure how to
create an artist statement, exhibition proposal, artist talk, or how to manage a project

The answer lies in Mentorships, as it is for most artists who already rely on a mentor, and often
provide such to others. Mentorships are flexible, adapted to each participant, and provide open
explorations of aesthetics, intellectual and technical outcomes.

FMoPA’s membership program is limited to 2 students per month and is conducted by our
established or visiting instructors, professional artists, mentors, and experts in varied
photography genres.

6 Months program, most photography projects often take that much time or more.
12 Contact hours via Zoom as effective use of time and resources.


Florida Museum of Photographic Arts




Art Lovers,

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