Alabama Story by Kenneth Jones is inspired by true events in 1959 Montgomery, Alabama. The story centers on a state librarian who faces backlash for adding a children’s book depicting a black and white rabbit’s marriage to the library. As the Civil Rights movement brews, the book’s perceived message of racial integration and equality sparks the outrage of a powerful and determined segregationist State Senator.
A contrasting story involves childhood friends—an African American man and a white privileged woman—reunited in adulthood, forming a boundary-breaking friendship. The play features political foes, star-crossed lovers, and a feisty children’s author, all inhabiting a Deep South filled with humor, heartbreak, and hope. Set against segregation, these characters’ lives intersect as they confront racism, and book censorship, and discover literature’s transformative power.
Tickets $30 General Admission, $25 Senior & Military, $15 Student
Powerstories is proud to be supported by the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners.
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