Want to Be a Grant Panelist for the Arts Council?

Recent panel for Artist Grant Program

The Arts Council invites members of the community to apply to serve as a panelist for our grant programs.

Grant panelists are selected based on their knowledge of and experience in the arts, business and nonprofit management, and the community. Panelists review and score the applications and discuss them at a public grant panel meeting. The averages of the scores from panelists are used to determine who is eligible for funding and how much the applicant receives. Up to seven individuals will be selected to serve on our independent grant panel.

Applications are sent to panelists three weeks before the public panel meeting. Panelists must have completed their scoring by that time and must attend the public meeting. Additional information regarding the requirements and expectations for grant panelists can be found here: Grant Panelist Fact Sheet.


Grant panelists must be objective when considering the merits of organizations

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