Recognition for support

Logos & credit

Hillsborough County logo, funding credit

It is important and required that arts organizations and artists receiving funding from the Hillsborough County Arts Council give recognition for the support they are receiving. Displaying the logo of Hillsborough County helps to emphasize the importance of local funding for the arts.

  • Grant recipients must display the Hillsborough County logo on all printed and digital promotional materials. Credit must be provided on all communications – all news releases; print, radio and television advertising; curtain/event speeches; publications; and other marketing materials. Samples of the materials showing the logo should be attached to the grant’s final report.
  • On websites, grantees must display the Hillsborough County logo.
  • It is preferred to display the logos, however, when it is not possible to display images, credit should be given through a text statement in the same font size or larger as any other sponsors. Proper text-only credit would read: With the Support of the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners.

Please email to receive this logo: