Storytelling Through Photography One on One remote learning


Feb 17 2021



These Zoom sessions will fully reflect the same content as with the on-ground workshops offered by the FMoPA institute.

We all have a story to tell, a legacy or statement, a call to action, a declaration of what you believe, what makes you mad or happy, your unique observations of the world around you, your life itself with its peaks and valleys. The medium of photography makes it possible to tell your story and sometimes make a change. A picture tells a thousand words. Several pictures correctly sequenced tell a full story – your individual story.

In this workshop, you will learn the art of telling a story by creating a visual narrative. Multiple images have the power of expressing thoughts, ideas, experiences and beliefs in a linear format. Storyboarding and careful sequencing of photographs following a clear concept, your unique voice and communications to the outside world, using many case studies and background information on the starting point of any project: The Why, What, Who, and How.

We all have a unique story to share with others, it can be a powerful and quiet voice, but we have a responsibility to tell our stories as part of our background, culture, legacy and circumstances. The power of words through titles or series’ names are also explored, rounding up to a full story.

Not a member: $110

Members: $100

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Florida Museum of Photographic Arts

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