Sing-Along Moana (2016)
An adventurous teenager sails out on a daring mission to save her people and restore their adventuring heritage. During her journey, Moana meets the once-mighty demigod Maui, who guides her in her quest to become a master way-finder. Together they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds. Along the way, Moana fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she always sought: her own identity.
The unforgettable soundtrack features songs written by Hamilton’s own Lin-Manuel Miranda — and in this special sing-along presentation (our first ever of Moana), you and all your little ones can proudly sing along as loudly as you like with the words displayed on the screen!
The Family Favorites classic movie series is presented by Bank of America. Media support is provided by WEDU-PBS and Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.
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