Roxane Gabriel

I have always had a love for art and nature and have been in the habit of sketching since I was a child. As I grew older, I would sketch out dreams and visions along with ideas that caught my fancy but never doing more with them. As I became an adult, somehow everything disappeared but these sketchbooks followed me and I started painting them as time allowed for fun. At first very slow as oils were new to me and then I painted the Eye on the Planet and it only took a couple of days so gave me a boost of confidence and I loved how it was simple yet conveyed so much. This was my inspiration and burst of creativity along with my new budding awakening, I now have an outlet for my creativity. I have tried a variety of styles but seem to always use lots of colors as I love it. My favorite style is very colorful and blended surrealism although I do enjoy the natural landscapes as well. I try to always add some small or large pointers to spiritual awakening or consciousness for the viewer to think about long after as I have always enjoyed those types of paintings as well.